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This week at Mission Lutheran
Friday, February 7
8:30 AM MLS Chapel in the church sanctuary
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Super Bowl "Mighty Mites"
9:00 AM Divine Service (The service will be live-streamed via Zoom and then will be uploaded to YouTube)
10:30 AM Sunday School and Adult Bible class
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
12:30 PM Prayer time in the church library
6:30 PM Elders meeting
Wednesday, February 12
7:35 AM Prayer time with MLS
9:30 AM Quilters meet in Luther Hall
6:30 PM Choir practice
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 7
6:30 PM WINGS/LWML Fellowship and Bible study
6:45 AM Praise & Prayer Hour via Zoom
11:30 AM JULIETs lunch
8:30 AM MLS Chapel in the church sanctuary
6:00 PM "Love Your Seminarian" Valentine's Day dinner in Luther Hall
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