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Service Schedule

We have one church service at 9:00 AM every Sunday, followed by Bible class and Sunday School at 10:30. 

Regular Sunday services are recorded and then posted on YouTube.


Divine Service

This is a liturgical setting and includes Holy Communion.  Matins is celebrated on the 5th Sunday.

Services are held every Sunday at 9:00 AM. 


The 9:00 AM service and some midweek services are live-streamed via Zoom which are then uploaded to YouTube. Here is the link for Mission's YouTube channel.


Contact the church secretary if you would like to be added to the Zoom link distribution.


Bible class and Sunday School are at 10:30 AM in Luther Hall and the church nursery.


Adult Bible Class and Sunday School

Adult Bible Class meets every Sunday at 10:30 AM in the fellowship hall. Sunday School meets in the church nursery at 10:30 AM. 

School Chapel

All are welcome to join the school children each Friday morning for weekly Chapel in the church sanctuary. 

Chapel services are held most Fridays at 8:30 AM in the church sanctuary. 

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